Monday, July 15, 2013

Worshiping with our Brothers and Sisters at Florida Norte

July 15, 2013

Hola Everyone,

Yesterday was a wonderful day of fellowship and worship with our brothers and sisters at Florida Norte. We heard powerful testimonies from Paige and Micah and celebrated Noah's birthday. Pastor Jensen gave an excellent sermon and Joanne, Noah and I helped illustrate how Christ can tear down walls that families erect. Then we went out to a Brazilian Steakhouse for lunch. We worshipped again in the evening and heard a wonderful sermon from Matthew. It has been such a blessing to worship with everyone and spend time laughing and talking about life. Of course my Spanish isn't the best but I should be fluent by the end of the trip!  Thank you all for your prayers, they are being felt each and every day. Today we will be playing wallyball(sp?) against some of the people from the church. Pastor Jensen was challenged to a game so we will put in our best effort!

In Christ,


Matthew with Armena(sp?)

Micah giving his testimony
Pastor preaching on how Christ can bring marriage back together. This was an Oscar winning performance on my part!

Eating at the Brazilian Steakhouse!Mmmmm Beef:)

Matthew sharing his message how Moses was called by God

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