Monday, July 22, 2013

Joyous singing and endless hugs; dear friends in a church family among the Andes Connie

Upon our return from Cochabamba, I was struck by the incredible blessing of being allowed to be a part of the 2013 team to Bolivia. I had gone on the trip so hopeful to be a blessing to a people I had never met. When we said our good-byes and I looked into all of the teary dark brown eyes, I knew that indeed our group had indeed encouraged, loved, and ministered to their church family.  What a blessing that I could share in that ministry. I returned feeling that I now had dear friends in a church family far away among the Andes Mountains.  I pray I was a blessing to those I met at Florida Norte Church, but I know that my own life will never be the same because of those ten days.  Whenever I remember the joyous singing or endless hugs and kisses of that dear group of brothers and sisters in Christ, I am humbled and inspired to be more loving, joy-filled, and just plain thankful.  They are certainly evidence that joy does not come from material things, but rather from an understanding of our Savior and His incredible love for all of us. 

Finally, I want to thank OSLC for allowing me to go Cochabamba to serve in their name.  I was both humbled and honored to reach out with the love of Christ to the precious people at Florida Norte Church.  I also want to thank Matthew for his endless hours of prayer and preparation for our trip.  Everything was so well planned and organized, that I felt like we used our time to the utmost to be a blessing and encouragement to church in Cochabamba. God is good . . . all of the time!

Thank you Lord Jesus for whom without which we could do nothing!  Praise and honor to His holy and everlasting name!  Amen!

In Christ's love,

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